Contact +22996593866/+49 1511 2950943

Welcome to Multiplikator

The best address for all your language consultancy and intercultural mediation needs.

Why choose us ?

There is a big difference between transmitting knowledge, simply offering various consultancy services and transmitting a passion, serving with a vocation in order to see one's skills and expertise multiply, create values, build socio-economic and cultural bridges between different ecosystems, transform the generational course of lives and thus contribute to solving societal problems. This is the philosophy behind our commitment to MULTIPLIKATOR. Beyond our skills, our expertise and our experience in our areas of service, we surround ourselves with seasoned partners and mentors, resident in Germany, France, Canada, the United States, Nigeria, Benin, Togo and in several other African countries in order to offer the best to our customers. Choosing Multiplikator is simply choosing the best service while participating in the elimination of several societal scourges facing the globalized world of the 21st century.

Our training modules

We make it easy for you to learn

Who are we ?

Multiplikator Startup Group

We are a Group of Young African Germanists whose vocation is to strengthen and intensify cultural, economic and scientific connections and exchanges between the German-speaking, French-speaking and English-speaking worlds, through a mechanism of Multiplication of values, knowledge and intercultural skills. in all directions.

Our mission

Multiplikator's mission is to help natural and legal persons (students, job seekers, etc.), companies, institutions, NGOs, etc. to access the best opportunities, to find the best profiles of employees, collaborators and partners in their fields of intervention throughout the world.

Our vision

As our slogan “Connecting Worlds…” states, the leitmotif of Multiplikator is governed by the sharing of values ​​and skills as well as the connection of the ecosystems of the worlds (German-speaking, English-speaking, French-speaking etc.).

Our services

  • Training

    • Our German courses can be done face-to-face as well as online. These courses last on average 8 weeks (at the rate of 3 sessions of 3 hours per week) for each level (A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1) and are sanctioned by a certificate of participation. It should be noted that this frequency is customizable. All of the teaching material (course book, electronic media, videos, audio files, images, grammar practice pads, dictionaries, etc.) that we use guarantees ease of understanding and appropriation of the new language and above all the development of fundamental skills for learning a foreign language, namely (speaking, listening, writing and reading). Multiplikator also helps you prepare in crash courses for the DSH and Test-DaF exams. We guarantee that with us, in no time you will have the necessary ability to handle the language as you wish. Register now !
    • The Multiplikator center also offers English lessons tailored to your needs with a dynamic and experienced teaching team. Our courses are specially designed for French-speaking learners. We give you a guarantee to better master the language of Shakespeare in a short time with a fairly impeccable accent. Our free educational materials allow you to practice at any time wherever you are. Whether you are a pupil, student, civil servant or individual, Multiplikator is the right address for you. Our courses are adapted to your needs and are customizable according to your schedule.
    • • Are you German or English speaking and want to learn French in record time? At Multiplikator you have come to the right address. All of our teachers are native French speakers and have a singular passion for teaching the language. Our French courses are specially designed for you English and German speakers and are also customizable according to your needs. Our French courses for Francophones and Anglophones are accompanied by a free (voluntary) tandem program which allows learners to be in constant contact with native French speakers. Multiplikator is the language center for you. Realize your dream and learn the melodious language of Molière with us. Register now !
    • With our partners, we offer basic computer courses in French, English and German. Our courses are suitable for all ages and allow you to master computers and know how to find what you are looking for (software and hardware, operating systems, word processing, emails and communication, internet and research, social networks etc.). Computer courses are also part of our coaching and intercultural preparation program. If you would like to travel to Europe soon (for studies, for example), we have a specific program for you which trains you in computer tools and equips you with all the principles necessary to familiarize yourself with highly computerized systems and thus lead to your activities in Europe without inconvenience. If you also want a more in-depth course on a specific program, Multiplikator and its partners offer courses tailored to your needs. Do not waste anymore time. Contact us!.
    • Do you like to discover? With its partners, Multiplikator offers you a complete tourist guide training program. Our modules are detailed, comprehensive and adaptable to your schedule. Our theoretical and practical training modules are made for all young people wishing to work in the field of tourism. The training provides you with all the necessary weapons to be able to lead expeditions, lead tours all over West Africa with French-speaking, German-speaking and English-speaking interested parties. Live your passion! Contact us now for more information!

    • ->German-French translation and French German ; English-French and French English
      At Multiplikator we have a very professional team of sworn translators (German-French, French-German, English-French, French-English or German, French or English into other African languages ​​and vice-versa) for all types of text (administrative and legal documents, diplomas, certificates, manuals, contracts, etc.). For each area, we have reliable and dedicated specialized translators for an authentic rendering that meets the requirements and your needs. They are competent linguistic translators with several years of experience in the field of translation. The intercultural skills of our translators are due to their long experience in several countries. They have a perfect mastery of the linguistic and cultural aspects of their working languages ​​and are thus equipped with comprehension skills and one hundred percent fidelity to the contexts of your texts that they translate. Punctual, discreet and rigorous at work, our experts have a general culture dense enough to adapt to all types of linguistic environments. Don't waste any more time, send us a free request now! The MPK Translation team studies it in record time and offers you a service that defies all competition. Submit your case now!
    • Professional interpreters (German-French, French-German, English-French, French-English or German, French or English into other African languages ​​and vice versa) for your meetings, conferences, trips, events and congresses or even your seminars in West Africa await you at Multiplikator. Our international team of professional interpreters has a solid command of foreign and local languages. With several years of study and experience in the field of interpretation, these specialists have a very solid general knowledge, a complete and specialized lexical repertoire and an exceptional ability to interpret in real time. Whatever the nature of the interpretation (consecutive, simultaneous or liaison etc.) our professionals are able to convey the meaning of the message with the vocabulary and jargon specific to your sector of activity, your company or your organization. In addition to all these qualities, the performers of Multiplikator have always demonstrated honesty, discipline and know-how. This is also the only address you need for a clean and neat interpretation. Contact us now! Our team evaluates your request as soon as possible and offers you a personalized service.
    • At Multiplikator, you also have experienced readers for all your texts in German, French and English (dissertations, articles, novels, manuals, documents, contracts etc.). For your various texts, our readers correct any mistakes that may be found there (syntax, spelling, grammar, punctuation, formulations, expressions, etc.). Most of our readers are native speakers of their working language or experienced linguists. Grammatical, spelling, syntactic and typological rules hold no secrets for our readers. They are all endowed with a great faculty of concentration and a speed of reading well beyond the average. Their knowledge of general culture and their intercultural abilities allow them to correct any text in accordance with its writing context. With our MPK Proofreading service, you are protected from texts with cocoons. Send us your text now for flawless rendering!
    • You are actors in an artistic activity, a project, an event, an NGO or association and you want to negotiate a contract with a national or international partner? Multiplikator takes your cause in hand! We provide you with professional impresarios who accompany you in all confidence in all your activities. Our agents are experts in human relations, have undeniable communicative qualities, highly convincing rhetoric and are at your disposal to help you defend your projects and interests with all types of partners (assistance, management, monitoring and administration of your projects , research, negotiation and conclusion of contracts, agenda management, presentations, representations, etc.). They examine the content of your projects, verify their legality and legitimacy to make them indisputable with your partners. Our impresarios are multilingual and have all the qualities of negotiators to best defend your interests and carry out your projects. Whatever your sector of activity, whatever your project, trust Multiplikator, you will come out a winner. Contact now!

    • “Have you always dreamed of studying at one of the most prestigious universities in the world? With Multiplikator, stop dreaming and live your reality. We accompany you step by step through the admission process to the German university of your choice and then we assist you with the registration procedure. We have a complete program to assist you from A to Z according to your profile: language courses for the required level, orientation in the choice of courses, admission and registration process, search for funding (scholarship or supported according to your profile), registration, intercultural preparation, etc. With Multiplikator, you also benefit from continuous monitoring throughout your studies in Germany. Are you studying in West Africa and want to do a research stay or participate in an exchange program in Germany? Multiplikator has the solution for you. It also works in reverse. If you are Europeans studying in Europe and you are looking for an academic stay in West Africa, Multiplikator accompanies you throughout the process. Take control of your destiny. Contact us now! »
    • Are you looking for a job ? Multiplikator searches for you for the job corresponding to your profile and negotiates a contract for you in Africa, Germany and everywhere internationally with our reliable partners according to your profile. Whatever your field, your current profile and your skills, trust Multiplikator. Contact us and let yourself be informed of the job offers that you have the possibility of making according to your specialty. Together with our partners, we offer you additional qualifications if necessary and prepare you for any type of job interview in the German-, French- and English-speaking world with our reliable partners. Make up your mind and send us your resume today. Multiplikator evaluates your profile and finds the best for you. Take control of your destiny. Contact us!
    • Are you a student or in training and looking for an internship in Germany or in a German institution in West Africa? Welcome to Multiplikator. We find the right internship for you and negotiate a contract for you. Whether it is in the context of writing a thesis or a paid or unpaid internship, to acquire professional skills, Multiplikator is the best address for you, whatever your profile. We find an internship for you with an internationally recognized certificate. It also works in reverse. Multiplikator offers you complete support if you are studying in Europe and looking for an institution in West Africa for an internship. We guide your steps from start to finish. Trust us. Find out more or send us a request now!
    • If you have always dreamed of training in a certain field in Germany, Multiplikator makes your dreams come true. In a logic of win-win bilateral partnerships, we are looking for a fully subsidized training in Germany for you whatever the desired field. Depending on the field, the training allows you to directly seek employment in Germany or Europe or to return to serve your country and share your experiences. You will always have a choice! Training with our partners in Germany generally lasts three years and makes you a specialist in the field at the end of the training. Throughout the training, you are housed, hosted and moved free of charge and you receive a monthly subsidy to meet your needs as well as health and liability insurance coverage. All these expenses are the responsibility of the German State and the structure that trains you, in accordance with the regulations in force and the terms of contracts between Multiplikator and its partners in Germany. Throughout your training, in the event of any disagreement, Multiplikator agents on site intervene as mediators so that you can continue in a peaceful atmosphere with your training structure. Are you interested in our offer? You only have one thing to do: contact us for more information or send us your CV now. The Multiplikator Coaching team studies your CV thoroughly for free and offers you the area that best suits your profile. Then we find a training contract for you with one of our partners in Germany and we support you in all the steps. Take control of your destiny, send us your resume now!
    • The Au-Pair program allows you to go to a host family in a German-speaking country like Germany and take care of one or more children in the family. You would have the daily task of looking after the well-being of the children, accompanying them to school, practicing their hobbies with them, etc. This does not make you a servant, because the law clearly defines the tasks that can be assigned to you. You are also entitled to hours and days of rest during the week. The Au-Pair contract lasts between six months and a year and throughout your stay, you are housed and fed at the expense of the host family. You also have the right to follow language courses which can be partially or totally covered by the host family. In addition you also receive pocket money each time for your own needs. The program allows you not only to speak German but also to immerse yourself in the culture and make extraordinary human experiences. Contact us and we check if you are eligible for this program. We accompany you step by step throughout the process. Contact us now!
    • The particularity at Multiplikator is that with us you are not thrown into the unknown and you are not left to your own fate in the event of a problem. Whatever product you decide on, Multiplikator Start up Group ensures that you find satisfaction. We accompany you from A to Z. Once you have the opportunity to travel, we offer you an intercultural preparation before your departure for the less known land. We train you to be able to understand the systems and integrate quickly: insurance, the first steps, the rules of communication, human relations, prohibitions, etc. Whether it is general or specific legal coaching, we provide you with our professional lawyers who are very experienced in this area. We guarantee you a quick mastery of the functioning of the company that receives and always remain available for all your questions.

  • Do you like to discover? With its partners, Multiplikator offers you a complete tourist guide training program. Our modules are detailed, comprehensive and adaptable to your schedule. Our theoretical and practical training modules are made for all young people wishing to work in the field of tourism. The training provides you with all the necessary weapons to be able to lead expeditions, lead tours all over West Africa with French-speaking, German-speaking and English-speaking interested parties. Live your passion! Contact us now for more information!

  • “Are you a natural or legal person and are you looking for a person with a particular profile for any need? Multiplikator does the work for you! We look for and put at your disposal the most competent person corresponding to the exact profile you are looking for. Whatever the field, we find the best profiles for you. Our Multipliers are scattered all over Africa and around the world constantly unearthing talents and skills in all areas. For all types of needs, our database includes the profile you are looking for waiting to answer your call. With us, trust and satisfaction are essential. We train all our employees to embrace the Multiplikator vision and prepare them according to your vision before they come into play. Trust Multiplikator, we are with you! »

  • “Do you want to invest in a project or start your own business in West Africa? Multiplikator accompanies you step by step and assists you in all the formalities. We offer you legal advice of all kinds with our partners. For all your contract negotiations. In your efforts to set up an institution and NGO, you can count on the guidance of Multiplikator's experts and partners. Multiplikator also assists you in the design and implementation of projects of all types. We also follow your projects and their progress in the field and provide you with regular reports.”

Our team

We form a professional, dynamic, experienced and specialized team in different fields such as: linguistics, literature, civilization and German history. Each of us has at least 15 years of experience in the use of the German language (from learning to teaching, including use in tourism, translation, interpreting, research etc.), drawing on our strong English and French language skills.


General director


Executive Director


Deputy Executive Director


Administrative Service Coordinator

Jérémie M. ZOLLIN

Teacher - Translator & Executive Assistant


Administrative secretary

Joseph P. NABINE

Developer/IT specialist


Graphic designer

Narcisse DJAKPO

Digital Marketing

Jacqueline AKEDA


Wolfgang AYENOU





  • all
  • Classes
  • collaborators
  • tourism
  • various

What our customers say

Abi Clémence

Student - Berlin

I just sent my resume. They studied my CV for free and offered me 3 options. I chose to start with Au-Pair. They accompanied me from A to Z in my steps. Now I am a student and it is thanks to Multiplikator.



At first I just wanted to learn the language for fun. But through Multiplikator, I discovered a lot of opportunities. Thank you so much!

Jeanne Afi Blewou

PhD student - University of Friborg

Thanks to Multiplikator, I got a scholarship entirely for my doctoral thesis in Germany. Thank you so much. I will never say it enough. Dank! Dank! Dank!

Jules Sankou


I had the privilege of being part of the first promotion of German courses. The teacher is professional and takes the necessary time to deal with our individual difficulties. I recommend without restriction.

Julius M.


The particularity with Multiplikator is that they mediate in both directions. They are the few to do so in the sub-region.

Ullrich Wadjo

Nurse - Wuppertal

I was on the verge of passing in front of the ultimate opportunity of my life. Trusting Multiplikator is probably the best decision of my life so far. Thank you so much for finding me this opportunity. You are the best.


We remain available for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


Godomey Salamè, 1st turn right in front of the Sainte Thérèse Catholic Church



+229 99 93 33 33
+49 1511 2950943

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Bénin Good Vibes
Die Käufer der Träume
Bénin Good Vibes